Fremont Elementary

5th graders at the school will bring the projects to share with the grade. The next day they’ll host their game on the black top during all the grades recess for other kids to play with promoting school unity.

Cardboard Day

My 5th grade class will celebrate Cardboard Day by engineering some great cardboard creations!

Dream World – Playscape

For decades, our cities have been developing as car-centric, public spaces are shrinking and becoming more privatized, space for pedestrians and free play is decreasing. However, the need to play and explore the world and interpersonal relationships through play is an...

Westover’s Cardboard Challenge

Westover Families are invited to come to the cafeteria to participate in our first Cardboard Challenge/Day of Play. Come and make some new friends!! The plan is to build cardboard creations for an hour and a half, then share our creations and PLAY in them. Make sure...